Day 30 – Crossing the Finish Line

It is not a matter of taking that last step across the finish line. It is not a matter of pushing yourself.

Every step is the last step. Every push is the last push. Every smile you take is the last one.

And the first.

What makes the largest difference is making yourself aware of the now. The present, and being in it.

And in times of stillness, reflecting on the mistakes, the strains, the sweaty parts (a lot of that) the realizations and new discoveries in exercising not only the body, but the places where the body holds onto stress. Reflection of this, is exercise for the spirit.

Opening of the body to new directions. Allowing myself to become so still that only my breath is being concentrated on. Committing myself to stay in position and flexing, pulling myself into new places while making my mind calm and still. Facing only myself in the reflection of the studio mirror, and facing my reflections of who I am. Finding out tolerances and limitations, places in body and spirit that need more attention.

Finding some way to manage all that laundry, cook up meals ahead of time, maintain a home business, full time job, writing articles, writing blog posts, writing fiction, sleeping and still commit to doing 1 class of hot yoga per day.

It’s been amazing.

30 Day challenge of Hot Yoga complete.

All thanks to this place.

For All Your Saskatoon Hot Yoga Needs

I’d like to thank Dallas, Steph and all the great instructors as well as the regular yogis who go to Hot Yoga on 20th. It’s a great community that has been built up in Saskatoon. If you are even travelling through and would like to get in on a class, don’t hesitate to check their schedule, give them a call, bring a friend. Try it out.

It’s just one step. And it might be the best one you ever take.

Om still here,

P.S. You may have noticed there is a gap in the posts. Another post is coming up later on, which maybe more important than the last ‘recorded’ step for this challenge.

Day 9 – A Funny Thing Happened on the Way to Inner Enlightenment

Your current mindset is a groove in a record. Your thoughts, if repeated make the groove deeper, and it becomes harder to change your mindset.

What is your song? Is it sad? Angry? Frustrated? You are the singer. Your words and actions are broadcast. Those closest to you will hear and feel them first. Every step has an emotion within it.

Is your song true to you? Do you mean the words you speak? Is your dance joyful, but you have sadness within?

How fast are you singing? Can others join you? Or are you trying to make your song harmonize with others, pulling you to places you are not ready to go to? Don’t you want to sing at your own pace?

Are you still trying to write your own song? Or are you just trying to find your breath?

So what can you do about all these questions?

Be happy, even if you are sad. Even science proves you can get in a better mood and handle situations better, if you put on a fake smile. Then Wait. Eventually your body will respond in kind, and you can realize some situations are not based in emotion, but actions from your own reaction.

Your body also knows the difference between holding truth and lies. Be honest with yourself first, then you can be honest with others.

Don’t rush, go at your own pace. You don’t need to push yourself into a sprint, when you are not healthy enough to do it. Finding that spot beyond the comfortable pace and the stretch is where the magic happens.

And start your own thing. There is no perfect time to do something. There is only now. Don’t wait, it is better to try and fail and try again, then be stuck in perpetual procrastination. Waiting for perfect circumstances to occur first before you take action will only keep you in a state of Waiting. And unless you are observing and learning all that is around you, you are doing nothing.

This is what popped into my mind as I was in the stretching portion of Yoga. The little lessons from a road trip. The universe unfolding as events occurred. I asked myself, why are these things happening, and with a DURH PEARCE! The universe needs you to learn. And when an old barrier comes up again, don’t concentrate on how hard it was to overcome it. Concentrate on what you did to get beyond it. Celebrate that success.

Every action changes your vibration. What you broadcast soulcast to the world, will be brought back to you.

Be happy, be truthful, don’t rush, do something.

It’s a start. I don’t say you have to do it right, just start. You’ll make a new groove. And soon, others around you will pick up on your song.
I’m still here,

P.S. The Funny Thing that happened ? Better health.